Italy, Albania and Montenegro, commonly face the challenge to create, in the cross-border area, new jobs in the cultural and creative sectors and to help young artists find new opportunities and enter new markets.


was created with this insight at its core.

The project is funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program, with the aim to create a Permanent Cross-border Digital Laboratory for young artists based on an innovative model that establishes cross-collaborations between artistic and traditional enterprises (artisanal, touristic and agro-food) and develops innovative cultural formats and services such as performing arts and educational services.

FAME Project seeks to support young artists and CCIs, in the creation of an international cross-border network, based on a sustainable and innovative model of collaboration. 

It works closely with young artists and other involved stakeholders to enhance their skills, knowledge and abilities, as well as to develop the capacity of stakeholders to work together towards a Permanent Cross-Border Laboratory, based on public-private partnership.

The partners of the FAME Project are in Albania the City of Tirana (Lead Partner), in Montenegro the RTCG – Radio and Television of Montenegro, in Italy the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese-Consorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cultura (TPP) and the Municipality of Civitacampomarano (CB).

“FAME” is an accompanying path, intended for pop, rock and trap songwriters from 18 to 35 years old, which aims at strengthening their artistic and digital communication skills and which will include the creation of a video format for TV, as well as the foundation for a new music project.

FAME Project seeks to support young artists and CCIs, in the creation of an international cross-border network, based on a sustainable and innovative model of collaboration. 

It works closely with young artists and other involved stakeholders to enhance their skills, knowledge and abilities, as well as to develop the capacity of stakeholders to work together towards a Permanent Cross-Border Laboratory, based on public-private partnership.

The partners of the FAME Project are in Albania the City of Tirana (Lead Partner), in Montenegro the RTCG – Radio and Television of Montenegro, in Italy the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese-Consorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cultura (TPP) and the Municipality of Civitacampomarano (CB).

“FAME” is an accompanying path, intended for pop, rock and trap songwriters from 18 to 35 years old, which aims at strengthening their artistic and digital communication skills and which will include the creation of a video format for TV, as well as the foundation for a new music project.



Teatro Pubblico Pugliese – Consorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cultura (TPP) 

promotes and supports the dissemination of live entertainment activities in Puglia; the growth and formation of the public; the renewal and internationalization of the scene; the development of the entertainment industry and cultural and creative industries, of the related technical and entrepreneurial artistic professionalism operating in the region, and of the attractiveness of the Apulian territory, enhancing and promoting its cultural and environmental attractions through live entertainment, performing arts and cultural activities;

Municipality of Tirana

has as a priority the enhancement of Art and Culture, especially for young artists. The Municipality of Tirana has the competences for giving inputs on the relevant project and support for young artists especially young ones, also making paths for promoting them, and above all to build innovative model. The Municipality has undertaken several activities for the increase of cultural events in helping the young artists in different issues also proving them with cultural environments and hubs to make them possible express their talents and be part of different competitions in different fields of country culture. Youngs artists are in the main focus of Municipality of Tirana because it has undertaken many activities related to events for young artists to inspire them for ongoing projects and SME-es related to culture.

Municipality of Civitacampomarano 

in cooperation with the no profit association “CivitArt” organize every year during June the international festival of Street Art “C’VTA’”. This festival host international artists that have different artistical skills like painting murales on the private and public buildings and also other artistical instalments. The municipality has an important historical area composed of an ancient Castle from 14th century, an historical centre that include a “Martiniana” fortress (unique example of this kind in the south of Italy) and an ancient Napoleonic graveyard. 

Radio and Television of Montenegro RTCG

is the public service broadcaster of Montenegro. A state-owned company with its headquarters in Podgorica, it is made up of Radio Montenegro (RCG – Radio Crne Gore) and Montenegro Television (TVCG – Televizija Crne Gore). RTCG is interested to foster the development of young artist laboratory activities in order to have new entertainment formats that, after the project end, can become tv programs. The new policy of TV  development is focused on young target groups with this project they can enlarge their network and improve one on line channel.