FAME Concert of young bands from Italy, Albania, Montenegro on 26 September in Podgorica

Radio Television of Montenegro invites you to the FAME concert of young artists and bands on 26 September on the plateau behind the Music Center of Montenegro starting at 8 […]


Radio Television of Montenegro invites you to the FAME concert of young artists and bands on 26 September on the plateau behind the Music Center of Montenegro starting at 8 p.m.

Zeitnot (Montenegro), Blister and Umu Igwe (Italy) and Ceta (Albania) will perform.

RTCG is one of the partners in the management of the project FAME – Innovative cross-border laboratory model for young artists, which is implemented within the Interreg IPA CBC cross-border program Italy-Albania-Montenegro,

The concert of young bands formed through the project from the three countries participating in the program is one of the main final project activities.

In case of bad weather conditions, the concert will be held in the premises of the Music Center.

“It is with great pleasure that we invite everyone to join us, learn about the work and give full support to young musicians from Albania, Montenegro and Italy. The entrance is free and everyone is welcome!