FAME, in Taranto the last phase of the path promoted by Teatro Pubblico Pugliese

“FAME – INNOVATIVE MODEL FOR YOUNG ARTISTS CROSS BORDER LABORATORY”, the project intended for young Apulian songwriters, entered its final phase, at Spazioporto (Taranto – Apulia – Italy) for eight […]


“FAME – INNOVATIVE MODEL FOR YOUNG ARTISTS CROSS BORDER LABORATORY”, the project intended for young Apulian songwriters, entered its final phase, at Spazioporto (Taranto – Apulia – Italy) for eight days, as part of the Medimex activity program.

The project, promoted by Teatro Pubblico Pugliese and financed under the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, has as partners the Municipality of Civitacampomarano (CB) in Italy, the City of Tirana in Albania (Lead Partner) and the RTCG – Radio and Television of Montenegro.
“FAME” is an accompanying path, intended for pop, rock and trap songwriters from 18 to 35 years old, and aims to strengthen their artistic and digital communication skills. The project will see the creation of a video format for TV, as well as the production of a new music project.

After the activities at the Teatro Sociale (Fasano – BA – Italy) and at the Academy of Street Arts (Bari), the last phase intends to enhance the skills acquired and to put on stage their first concert: a show in which the 5 artists will rearrange their songs, in an unpublished and choral key, mixing music, style and talents.
Following the live concert on June 18 at Medimex, to complete their artistic path, the artists will perform at national and international festivals such as: Cinzella Festival, Civitacampomarano Festival (CB), Podgorica Festival (Montenegro) and Tirana European Youth Capital 2022.