Teatro Pubblico Pugliese opens its doors to FAME young artists.

Teatro Pubblico Pugliese as part of “FAME – Innovative Model For Young Artists Cross-Border Laboratory”, hosted in mid July, one week of cultural and artistic events, where young artists from Puglia, Molise, […]


Teatro Pubblico Pugliese as part of “FAME – Innovative Model For Young Artists Cross-Border Laboratory”, hosted in mid July, one week of cultural and artistic events, where young artists from Puglia, Molise, Albania and Montenegro participated in various events and electrified the audience with their performance on Cinzella Festival.

This week of events, marked the first encounter of the young artists from the region, and a first step in creating a network of artists and seeking new opportunities for them.

The artists attended a series of meetings and workshops as part of the Medimex Festival in Bari, aiming at expanding their network, meeting new artist peers and strengthening their artistic and digital communication skills. 

“FAME” is an accompanying path, intended for pop, rock and trap songwriters from 18 to 35 years old, which aims at strengthening their artistic and digital communication skills and which will include the creation of a video format for TV, as well as the foundation for a new music project.

The FAME project, promoted byTeatro Pubblico Puglieseis financed by theInterreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme. Its partners arethe Municipality of Civitacampomarano (CB) in Italy, the City of Tiranain Albania (Lead Partner) andthe RTCG – Radio and Television of Montenegro.

The program

12 July

Games Festival – Ceglie Messapica (BR)


Live concert by “FAME” Band – Pugliese Public Theater

Meeting with stakeholders

13 July

MEDIMEX 2022 – Bari 

11.30 – 13.00  

Ex Palazzo delle Poste

Workshop: “Streaming and copyright. New scenarios for Authors and Publishers after the implementation of the Copyright Directive. Streaming and the future of Online Music”.

14 July 

MEDIMEX 2022 – Bari

10.30 to 12.00 

Ex Palazzo delle Poste

Workshop “What challenges for the future of live entertainment? The future is not written. It depends on all of us”.

15 July 

MEDIMEX 2022 – Bari 

12.00 – 13.30 

Sync Lab, Listening session with Silvia Siano (Cross Productions) and Irma De Wind (Frontier Developments). In collaboration with the NODE Cultural Association.


Cinzella Festival – Cave di Fantiano – Grottaglie (TA) 

Concert by the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese and the Municipality of Civitacampomarano (CB ) groups.

16 July 

Cinzella Festival – Cave di Fantiano – Grottaglie (TA) 

21:00 pm 

Concert by Tirana and RTCG Montenegro Bands